
Showing posts with label microcontroller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label microcontroller. Show all posts


STEP #2 Get an Arduino, or equivalent

The first equipment you will need is an Arduino UNO or compatible device.  Here are photos of my Arduino which is smaller than the normal Arduino UNO.  This is a clone Arduino.  Arduino's come in many different packages, shapes and sizes.  Choose which bests works for your situation.

I bought the small board on the left from and the red board connected is the USB to

Arduino board I bought from
The board on the right is just a block of LED's and a pushbutton connected to the Arduino as outputs and inputs.

I used the USB board and connected it to a proto-board with a 10uf and 16MHz ceramic resonator which creates an Arduino compatable device.

 And here is the original Arduino UNO R3 which has the USB circuit already installed.


All of these devices can be used to interface with LabView.


Top 5 Reasons LabVIEW Makes You More Productive When Using Arduino

Top 5 Reasons LabVIEW Makes You More Productive When Using Arduino

The Arduino microcontroller is a low-cost electronics prototyping platform. With the LabVIEW Interface for Arduino Toolkit you can leverage the power of the LabVIEW Graphical Programming environment to interface with the Arduino in a whole new dimension. Learn how the LabVIEW features listed below will help you increase productivity when using Arduino.